Exploring the Depths of Nostalgia: A Reflection on Train’s ‘Let it Roll’

Archie Makuwa
2 min readAug 21, 2024


Trail — Drops of Juper (album cover)

Music has a unique way of capturing our hearts, often conveying emotions we struggle to communicate. Some songs like Train’s “Let It Roll” have the unique ability to evoke memories of love and loss, taking us back to times when life felt so warm, so vulnerable In this post I want to explore the emotions of this song's complexity and teach us about the enduring power of nostalgia.

We’ve all experienced the bittersweet sting of lost love, where memories of the past linger like shadows, refusing to fade. The lyrics of “Let it Roll,” with lines like “Let it roll back into when I had you,” remind us that the past is often a place we visit in our minds, especially when we’re feeling vulnerable or reflective.

The song is a vivid depiction of longing — a deep longing for a time when love was real and present. As the singer struggles with the passage of time, a sense of urgency. A once-happy relationship ended, leaving a void filled with memories of comfort and pain.

The image of the hotel lobby filled with “lonely midnight drivers” and “midnight lovers” captures a deep sense of isolation and emptiness. Even with others, the narrator feels he is lonely, haunted by haunting memories of a past when life felt fuller, more connected, lost in the echoes of what once was.

The chorus, “Let it roll into me, let it roll into you, let it roll back into when I had you,” encapsulates the desire to relive those cherished moments, to feel that connection once again. But as the song progresses, the mention of seasons — snow, spring, fall, and summer — reminds us of the cyclical nature of life. With each season, we’re reminded of the passage of time, and with it, the arrival of new memories that inevitably intertwine with the old.

Overall, “Let it Roll” is a poignant reflection on lost love, the relentless march of time, and the difficulty of moving on while still clinging to the memories of a cherished past. It serves as a reminder that while the past holds a powerful sway over us, life continues to move forward, bringing with it the potential for new experiences and emotions.

In listening to this song, we are encouraged to embrace the full spectrum of our emotions — whether it’s the sadness of loss or the warmth of nostalgia — allowing them to roll through us and, ultimately, to find peace in the journey of life.



Archie Makuwa

I totally suck at everything. I think I love music and sometimes good code. I know I totally love dogs...