How to Be a Dope OG in a Corrupt and Uninspiring South Africa

Archie Makuwa
3 min readJun 19, 2024


Photo by SHVETS production:

In a world where corruption and lack of inspiration can feel like the norm, standing out as a dope OG (Original Gangster) isn’t just about having swagger — it’s about integrity, resilience, and making a positive impact. Here’s your blueprint to rise above and inspire in South Africa.

1. Stay Authentic

Be Real: Authenticity is your superpower. Don’t fake it for anyone. People respect those who are true to themselves.

Know Your Roots: Embrace your heritage and culture. It’s what makes you unique and grounds you in your identity.

2. Educate Yourself

Knowledge is Power: Stay informed about what’s happening around you. Education goes beyond books — it’s about being aware of your surroundings and understanding the bigger picture.

Skill Up: Learn skills that can help you navigate through the noise and stand out. Whether it’s tech, art, or business, be the best at what you do.

3. Build Your Network

Connect with Like-Minded People: Surround yourself with individuals who share your vision and values. A strong support system elevates your game.

Mentorship: Seek out mentors who have walked the path before you. Learn from their experiences and mistakes.

4. Stand Against Corruption

Integrity Matters: In a corrupt environment, maintaining your integrity will make you a beacon of hope. Don’t compromise your values for short-term gains.

Speak Up: Use your voice to call out injustices. Silence can be seen as complicity.

5. Give Back

Community First: Uplift those around you. Whether it’s through volunteering, mentorship, or starting community projects, giving back strengthens your community and builds your legacy.

Support Local: Invest in local businesses and talent. This not only boosts the economy but also fosters a sense of unity and pride.

6. Innovate and Create

Think Outside the Box: In a place that might lack inspiration, be the one who brings fresh ideas and creativity. Whether it’s through art, business, or social initiatives, innovation sets you apart.

Entrepreneurial Spirit: Start something that solves a problem or fulfils a need in your community. Entrepreneurship can be a powerful tool for change.

7. Stay Positive and Resilient

Mindset is Everything: Stay optimistic and focused on your goals. In the face of adversity, your mindset can be your greatest ally.

Bounce Back: Resilience is key. Learn from setbacks and keep moving forward.

8. Express Yourself

Be Bold: Whether it’s through fashion, music, or art, let your personality shine. Self-expression is a powerful form of resistance and inspiration.

Tell Your Story: Share your journey and experiences. Your story can inspire others and create a ripple effect of positive change.

9. Stay Healthy

Physical Health: Take care of your body. Exercise, eat well, and rest. A strong body supports a strong mind.

Mental Health: Don’t neglect your mental well-being. Practice mindfulness, seek help when needed, and maintain a healthy balance in life.

10. Dream Big

Set Goals: Have a clear vision of what you want to achieve. Break it down into actionable steps and go after it with everything you’ve got.

Inspire Others: Lead by example. Your ambition and drive can motivate others to chase their dreams too.


In a world that might seem uninspiring and corrupt, being a dope OG means rising above the negativity, staying true to yourself, and making a real, positive impact. Keep hustling, keep grinding, and never lose sight of your goals. You’ve got this!

Stay dope. Your greatness is just getting started.



Archie Makuwa

I totally suck at everything. I think I love music and sometimes good code. I know I totally love dogs...